I'm still learning the differences between the names of the suits..It seems to vary quite a bit when I'm being told, but as far as I am concerned they are all Salwaar Suits..
I have never bought my own Suit or Sari, they have always been bought for me, in a great range of undesirable colors, I have a few favorites which I wear again and again as to retain my own level of comfortabilty when in a weird situation such as temple visits or visiting relative etc.
I actually prefer to wear Sari's as firstly you can use pins and secondly the fabric is wrapped around me not wrapped between my legs. Though I have all my blouses made longer as I don't like to show my stomach.. Exposed ROlls just isnt right..
The suit pants, the first time I tried one on was with the aid of my sister in law, I pulled them up over my backside and yes. The waist string went all the way through..Obviously a critical error on their part at just how big my backside was.
So the cord was extended much to my embarrassment and some knots were tied into the ends to prevent the GoriGirl from pulling them out. I was asked if I had ever worn a string waist before. I was almost offended but too embarrassed to explain it wasn't me it was the short string..
So I have them on and I am thinking something is wrong.. Why is there so much fabric in between my legs? So I fiddle around and adjust the crutch over and over again.
Still confused as to why there is a wad of fabric so thick between my legs that it feels like a oversized sanitary towel.
I still have not come to term with this and take my pants off as soon as I can when ever wearing a suit..
Now for the chuni, why can't I keep it on ? If its not hard enough getting it to be the same length I can never ever keep mine on.
I move it slips
I cook it burns
I walk it drags
I use a toilet it gets washed
I pull it forward
I pull it back
I fall short of taking the bloody thing off and doing without.
I have got to the car before trying to leave it behind, but then someone usually tells me I have forgotten it only to get into the car and slam it into the door, but I only find out once we reach our destination.. It then had a lovely shaded brown side...
And if I sit down I sit on the ends and choke myself, this happened last year whilst I was at my very first Indian wedding, some how we were invited up into the front where the bride and groom were sitting and we had to climb over aunts and uncles and finally we are placed into our spot. There was around 100 eyes on us and me only one of about 5 westerners (he was marrying an American)so feeling conscious I sit down quickly ...And UGHHHHHHH
I sit on the ends of my chuni, its so tight around my neck I cant breath, So I wiggle a bit and try to pull it out a little.. My butt lands on some guys foot so I wiggle back and try to discretely tug at the tightening noose around my neck.
after about 20 mins of tugging at it I am able to swollow with ease. I believe the ring ceremony was nice, I was to busy tugging for my life.
I have since learnt to pull it out before I sit... Consider it a lesson learnt..