This topic recently came up whilst chatting to a fellow Gori who is married to an Indian who went through the same thing as me.
My in laws sent me off to the beauty Parlor before our Indian Reception and I am sure they meant well and I am sure it was a tradition that had to be completed as hubby also went off to have stuff done...
The only difference was he came back looking the same and I came back looking quite different. Firstly the Lady had never applied makeup to a westerner so the coloring was wrong and the layer of gold dust didnt soften anything just exagerated my features which left me feeling rather "UNLIKE ME". And when your in an uncomfortable situation thats not the best thing to be feeling....
It was very very different though, my hair was to be curled but the power didnt go on to late and the curling iron wasnt hot and I can't recall exactly why but she was pulling it tightly through my hair and it was hurting like heck.. But Of course being the person that I am I didnt speak out..
I don't think I have ever had as much attention paid to me before or after that day. including the day of my own western wedding...
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