Saturday, December 17, 2005

8 Years.. 2920 Days...70080 Hours

This is how long it has been since I first met my husband...

10 of decemeber 1996 I started chatting online to a guy with the nickname "sam.."
We were the only two in the chat room called broadcast which doesnt even exist anymore.......

We chatted for 10 hours straight.... We never stopped from that moment on......

now it's 8 years later and we are getting ready for our 4th Christmas together as husband and wife.....

gee time flies when your with the one you love....


pr!tz said...

Gori Girl! Congratulations!
8 years is actually quite a long time. I envy you -- in a nice sort of way, of course! :)

Thank you for stopping by my odd thoughts,Gori girl.Just visited your blog and got some interesting insights about you! :)

The next time you are in India, get your desi husband to backpack and go off, along with you, to the Himalayas... That is where my pics were clicked.

Do stop by again. Would love to show you around India!

Shell said...

Pr!tz thanks for your comments,the closest I have been to the Himalayas would be Shimla, I was so sick though I didnt take much notice of anything except the low oxygen levels....thanks for dropping by