Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sending Money Home

Well this is a road we have finally come across... the dreaded "sending money home" discussion.

Surprisingly it went relatively well, possibly due to my "Can't really give a stuff" attitude that has fallen upon me. Some arguments just aren't worth having these days and with some pre-xmas arguments about other money I just wasn't ready to fight again.

So how much is enough ? There is a fine line as to whats a valid amount and whats so small its a slap in the face.... but where this line is I am unsure.

My main concern about sending money home is the commitment. If we get into a position where we can not afford to send the money one month then what? I know 100% my husband will not call and say "I cant afford it this month mum".... so then what happens?

We will have to send the money and it will be at the cost of something.. probably my sanity.

So this brings me back to the "money sending home" issue.

Just because we are "overseas" does it really mean we are responsible for sending out hard earned savings back home?

I feel there is this misconception that We and other Desi's are living outside India to earn more money.... Where in fact I (even thought not a desi) am not living in India for soooooo many more reasons that that.

So back to the amount... How much is enough?


Our Catholic Family said...

I know the feeling! Sometimes its as if no one else has money issues. Either that or by living the US (or abroad for that matter) that you have a tree in your yard you just pick money from, lol.

For us if we can't send one month we postpone and send extra money with the next payment. Even if we are six months behind.

yobi said...

Hi there,
Sorry to see you closed down your yahoo site - I was a very very infrequent poster. Am enjoying this blog though.
Sorry no advice on the money thing since we live in India. Unfortunately no relatives abroad to send us money either :)

Shell said...

Hi, I can't see the point of the yahoo group I am as inactive as all the members so might as well close it. Besides I just have too many websites and blogs to handle at the moment.

workhard said...

Im sure u have heard the saying.. its never enough....

Work from home India

Unknown said...

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