Thursday, December 29, 2005

Dosa Disaster

So last night we had Dosa, I enjoy dosa because the dosa its self is not spicy (usually) and if I remove all the filling this is something I can eat Whilst in India.

So occasionally we have Dosa at home.

which is made from a packet mix of course because..well Life is just easier that way. So instead of using the normal brand Gits we picked up some other brand and I found the whole experience more traumatic than normal dosa making.

Firstly the mix tasted like it contained too much BiCarbonate of Soda and

secondly it was bubbling like yeast on my ( trudged all the way back in my hand luggage from India) Dosa Pan.
Which contrary to what you may think will NOT assist you in anyway for making dosa it is merely a flat pan that does nothing more than get hot and in

my case burn the arse off my dosa.
It does not pour, flip or roll your dosa's for you, nor does it fill them with yummy stuffing.
basically you are on your own for all of that.
I do recall having a successful Dosa or 2 over the 5 years I have been making them but as to what went right or how I did it I don't know.
My dosa's even with the GITS mix are floppy little sad sacks, I have tried thick, thin, low heat, high heat and have even tried chanting
Ommm Ommm
make my dosa's work
make them crispy and light
so we can enjoy
yummy Dosa tonight.
Ommm Ommm
but still my dosa need divine intervention.

Here is a picture of a Pro at work.. If anyone has some helpful tips I would appreciate it. Remember what the dosa man says...
"No good dosa turn goes unflipped"

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Perfect Indian Wife

This post has been deleted....

Hi.. sorry this post got deleted cause it was suggested that it was a little too obvious who the post was about...

so its gone..

but feel free to discuss it further...

to cut a long story short its about meeting expectations of being a "Perfect Indian Wife"
something I know I will never be... but I am still jealous of those who have been labeled this by people around me.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Shopping Indian Style

Shopping this is something I enjoy in every country and India is no exception to that.

I find the mall's easier to shop in, though obvioulsy more exepensive
(read more about Indian malls on my previous post)

This picture is us at a Sari Sale , I was looking for something specific and of course being fuzzy that I am we left with nothing after over an hour or rummaging through piles and piles of sari's.
I find it difficult to shop in India because as soon as the stall holders start pulling me in I feel intimidated, pressured and dont buy anything. Shopping with family is quite similar, I feel pressured to make quick decisions and ofcourse they always say Iam paying too much.
but it has to be kept in mind, whats too much for them is still a bargain for me... and if the alternative is going home without anything than Id rather pay an extra dollar or two to avoid dissapointment.
For some reason shopping ALWAYS get's left till last... hubby doesnt want to shop plus we are always with family.. it would be nice once and a while to be let out together to go shopping alone.
I usually use shopping as my "excitement builder" when going to India I focus on all the lovely things I can buy and try to stay unstressed.. so when I dont actually get to go shopping I am dissapointed.. Usualy Mumiji takes my shopping list and goes and gets it for me on the last day..
Which is great, but also not my own selection or shopping..
hence why I like the malls with supermarkets full of stuff on the shelves.. i can browse , look think and then buy...
I try strictly to buy only things we have a place for.. but that doesnt always work... I have to draw a line somewhere right or Id buy anything and everything..

This is me shopping at Choki Dani a Indian themed village hotel.
The prices were too high but still a bargain I bought a very beautiful silver box..

This is Didi and I shopping at Delhi Hart Bazaar again its a tourist bazaar but its decent shopping with food and toilets and a bazaar for every state of India, even the local shop here Including Didi who bought those cushion covers , I bought some ponchos and knick nacks for taking home as gifts.
Things I would like to buy in India..
*A Baby Elephant!
*My own Salwaars and saris
*An orphaned child or two
*Biggest Ganesh statue posisble for my yard
*Antique Indian Furniture and oh so much more...

Saturday, December 17, 2005

8 Years.. 2920 Days...70080 Hours

This is how long it has been since I first met my husband...

10 of decemeber 1996 I started chatting online to a guy with the nickname "sam.."
We were the only two in the chat room called broadcast which doesnt even exist anymore.......

We chatted for 10 hours straight.... We never stopped from that moment on......

now it's 8 years later and we are getting ready for our 4th Christmas together as husband and wife.....

gee time flies when your with the one you love....

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sari's & Salwar's worthy of a mention

So I have been clicking on my google ad's (above) for sari stores and have come across some very interesting designs worthy of a mention

Let's start with the damn right crazy prints.

Way to expensive Sari

then we have the wear would it be worn list
fashion wear? Little crazy looking

Wedding Sari?

As I have never bought my own suit, and don't get chance to go shopping for clothes in Indian because we usually have people with us and well I am the slowest and worst clothes shopper in the world I have composed a wish list. Not necessarily a list of ones I actually want, but styles Id certainly like to try one to see how they look.

while buying online would be easier and I could compose my own collection of clothes from the comfort of my own home I do find the process extremely unrealistic and don't intend to pay $100's of dollars for things I am sure would be much much less in India. Is it the price of convenience that I just might have to pay ?

Nice style suit Not sure of the color as I have red hair but really like the cut of the top

Nice White Suit Not sure it would stay white on me specially in India but nice and modern

Modern Style Bit bright for my liking but I have worse.

Dress over Pant Style this is a nice dress over the pants style which I like as I do that with my western clothes when I am having a fat day

as for saris personally I prefer georgette cause its OH so much lighter as for colors, I am not sure still Cyber looking.

I really wish all those Indian models were not so pretty though.. Maybe they should design a store with western models for us GoriGirls.

Where does everyone else shop ? What's your favorite sari? Have a picture or it ?

Ok so here are a few pics of me wearing sari's and Salwaars.


This is me in my green salwaar with my "I don't like green" Face on.. actually it was my iam totally drained face the morning before the wedding reception... Oh yes that velvet box on my lap is filled with pearls.....

This is a picture of my and Hubby the day of Diwali it would be back in 2003. Nothing comical to say about this one..I dont recall it being very funny at all....

This would be me and my friends in 2004 at our own hosted Diwali Festival.. This red sari is my favourite it is a georgette fabric, very light and I love the red it has silver detailing on it..
My friends were wearing their own saris bought whilst in India backpacking.

This is a Picture of my mum dressed up for Diwali 2004.

This would be one of my original Salwaar suits, that was given to my by my MIL before marriage at least i think thats where it came from... I like the color and the black Chunni which you can't see.
this is the "welcoming ceremony" as we enter the house as husband and wife for the first time.

Thats all I seem to have of me in Indian clothes.. which really isnt very good considering I have been married for 4 years..
Maybe I will have to capture those moments more..if not only for the blog.. but is anyone really interested in seeing what I wear?? I think not...

The Indian Influence

Things I find myself doing now that I am married to an Indian.
This isnt the top 10 list, just the first 10 I can think of right now..
1: Washing the dishes under running water
2: Never leaving the house immediately after sneezing
3: Drinking more water
4: Watching Indian Cooking Shows
5: Watching Indian Travel Shows
6: Humming to Indian Bollywood Songs
7: Watching what I do with my feet
8: Laughing at T.V Program "Kumars at No 42"
9: Laughing at T.V Program Goodness Gracious Me
10: Shopping for Saree's and Salwaars
11: Writing a Blog

Sunday, December 04, 2005


I have added some pics to the previous posts. not sure if I really want to do that.. but hey I have done... for now atleast.

Salwaar Kameez

I'm still learning the differences between the names of the suits..It seems to vary quite a bit when I'm being told, but as far as I am concerned they are all Salwaar Suits..

I have never bought my own Suit or Sari, they have always been bought for me, in a great range of undesirable colors, I have a few favorites which I wear again and again as to retain my own level of comfortabilty when in a weird situation such as temple visits or visiting relative etc.

I actually prefer to wear Sari's as firstly you can use pins and secondly the fabric is wrapped around me not wrapped between my legs. Though I have all my blouses made longer as I don't like to show my stomach.. Exposed ROlls just isnt right..

The suit pants, the first time I tried one on was with the aid of my sister in law, I pulled them up over my backside and yes. The waist string went all the way through..Obviously a critical error on their part at just how big my backside was.

So the cord was extended much to my embarrassment and some knots were tied into the ends to prevent the GoriGirl from pulling them out. I was asked if I had ever worn a string waist before. I was almost offended but too embarrassed to explain it wasn't me it was the short string..

So I have them on and I am thinking something is wrong.. Why is there so much fabric in between my legs? So I fiddle around and adjust the crutch over and over again.
Still confused as to why there is a wad of fabric so thick between my legs that it feels like a oversized sanitary towel.

I still have not come to term with this and take my pants off as soon as I can when ever wearing a suit..

Now for the chuni, why can't I keep it on ? If its not hard enough getting it to be the same length I can never ever keep mine on.

I move it slips
I cook it burns
I walk it drags
I use a toilet it gets washed
I pull it forward
I pull it back
I fall short of taking the bloody thing off and doing without.

I have got to the car before trying to leave it behind, but then someone usually tells me I have forgotten it only to get into the car and slam it into the door, but I only find out once we reach our destination.. It then had a lovely shaded brown side...

And if I sit down I sit on the ends and choke myself, this happened last year whilst I was at my very first Indian wedding, some how we were invited up into the front where the bride and groom were sitting and we had to climb over aunts and uncles and finally we are placed into our spot. There was around 100 eyes on us and me only one of about 5 westerners (he was marrying an American)so feeling conscious I sit down quickly ...And UGHHHHHHH

I sit on the ends of my chuni, its so tight around my neck I cant breath, So I wiggle a bit and try to pull it out a little.. My butt lands on some guys foot so I wiggle back and try to discretely tug at the tightening noose around my neck.
after about 20 mins of tugging at it I am able to swollow with ease. I believe the ring ceremony was nice, I was to busy tugging for my life.

I have since learnt to pull it out before I sit... Consider it a lesson learnt..

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Licking Chicken Good

last night at 3am I could not sleep some how I was recalling a not so funny meal time In India.

I am not very tolerant of spice and by now my In-laws know this, though occasionally they think my tolerance has improved and have me taste something spicy. My brother actually says your taste buds re-new themselves every week.. So maybe next week I'll be better.


The story....

So we are at a local shopping mall with Hubbys brother in law jiaji
(Sisters husband ..We all know the status of that right?) anyways.. So he goes on a mission to help sort out the westerner with food.

He is gone for ages and is talking to the men behind the chicken counter, eventually he calls me over to Check the chicken.

"Here try this its not too spicy"
He passes me the chicken coated in bright red curry to try..
I am thinking.. "Are you serious? Its obviously hot" I am also thinking
"Raw chicken and I'm lickin it. Oh yeah I'm going to die today"

So obviously it is TOO HOT... My mouth is burning and despite my better judgment I once and for all say "No I'm sorry Its too Hot"

So... He has his ,behind the counter staff Wash it for me..

So after 20-30 mins a plate of washed but hey now its cooked at least chicken comes to my table.. Jiagi offer it to me and says I hope that is ok for you. Mean while he munches on his whole pickled chili that he MUST have with each meal.

So I take a bite of the chicken.. "Oh Shit!! It's hot" Thinking I can not embarrass anyone here because he has gone to such effort I will just have to eat it. He ask's me if its ok.. And I very politely say yes. Thinking the faster I eat it the better.

At first it was ok, the mucus in my nose was not running too fast and every bite or so I could sneak a wipe with the napkin.

I am literally squirming in my seat with the onset of a raging fire in my mouth. Trying to catch Hubby's eye I wonder why the hell did I demand he sit next to me..For once he actually listened but I needed him to be within eye glance so I could confess my pain with a few flicks of the eyelids.

After 20 napkins and 1/2 a bottle of water hubby suspects something is up and asks me if its ok. I mumble a NO under my breath....

He then asks me to try someone else's dish which is curd based so I can cool off my mouth..hmm nice I say. That's nice.. So I get some more. And politely offer my chicken to everyone....

After 2 pieces I sit back and say.. "gee I am so full" "Such Yummy food"

Surprisingly I didn't die from raw chicken licking. But I did cleanse all my nasal passages and burn my taste buds down 6 days early so they could Re-new them selves quicker. Cause after all it was only a snack till we got home.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Karva Chauth

I had made a list of topics for my blog and my next one was going to be
karva chauth for those who don't know what that is here is a link on Karva Chauth But now it seems a little Try-hard to win back my "U hate Indians" fans. Thats if doing something Indian actually win them back.

But to heck with what's right and what's not this is next on my to-do list and god damn it I hate to skip over my lists.

Karva Chauth has been very very vaguely explained to me via my husband and his knowledge for Indian traditions and festivals it surprisingly limited, if not flexible and inconsistent.

Basically (as I understand it ) is you fast for your husbands well being...not its original concept but it's latest.

I have done this twice in our 3 years of marriage, not sure what happened one year maybe I did it, maybe we forget.. Not really sure. I don't understand the whole thing and basically just do what I am told.

So I didn't wear my wedding lengha or adorn myself in jewels, I did take a shower before my husband came home and geez I even brushed my hair, put some perfume.
(hubby didn't notice my effort) Only that I had forgotten to wear bangles.

The only problem was the moon was no where to be seen, my husband was unsure what to do as there was no moon to pour the milk towards. I figured pouring it into the sky was close enough afterall the moon can not be seen all the time all over the world and there had to be a solution.

I think my husband was considering allowing me to starve until the moon came up, but I was hungry and irritated and once again annoyed about the "flexible beliefs" my husband has. Some how it ended in an argument.. Consumed about thoughts of grabbing the nearest food item just to spite my husbands good will were all too tempting..

But I decided to have a cup of coffee and calm myself down
Hubby decided to ring his mother and find out a solution

By this time we were living in a very hostile environment with tears and yelling and just complete annoyance between us both for very different reasons that had been blown out of proportion by both of us.

His mother told him he had to cook me dinner. I was relieved and felt for a brief moment I was being supported by other women.

And I guess that is the origin of how the Karva Chauth started, Women helping women.

So maybe I got it afterall...

And just as I finish this post Mumiji rings me to check I am ok , not needing any help and not lonely (hubby is away) How is that for coincidence ?

Choose a Topic and Stick With it..

I have just recevied my first critisim about my blog.

Obiously not my first critisim in life cause you dont get this pesimisitc, distrusting,defensive or insecure by being praised your whole life by anyone and everyone.

But it is in fact my first negative comments about Gorigirl. In my defence I will remind the people who read this blog that this is infact a blog about being married to an Indian and the problems encountered. It is not a blog about Cooking,gardening or a blog setup to bash indians.

This is a blog about a "Western girl married to and Indian" (as the title suggests) ..and hence that is what I write about....

It was asked "Why did I bother to marry an Indian"

My only response to that is I didn't Marry a Indian, I married a man who I love and want to spend the rest of my life with and he just happens to be Indian. And that is a very very different thing as far as I am concerned.