Now this is something I struggle with..
Touching the feet of elders... Who of you fellow gorigirls do it?
how does it make you feel ?
I feel an overwhelming anxiety come over me around 4 minutes before hand when I know the feet are coming towards me...
My heart thumps my breathing heavy and my senses go..The voices become muffled. The lump in my throat chokes me from with in..
and then..I have to time the swoop for the right moment, as not to trip, fall or embarrass myself.
I have to take one hand to my Chunni to stop if from falling as I bend my head down to below my arse, remembering to keep my arse tucked in to avoid catapulting the person standing behind me into a bum push to the ground.
then..I swoop down. Touch the feet as quickly as possible and proceed to come up for air. Glance around the room to see if anyone is laughing at me or if I have done something wrong. Did it.. Sigh of relief comes over me as I begin again for the next relative.
Hubby usually warns me..
And as I said timing is everything.. Your walking out the door.. Your saying goodbye 10 times, when is the right time?
Now.. No he has turned..
Now... No now she is looking at me funny..
NOW.. Oh god they moved away the moment has passed.
My Husband glares at me.
They are all looking at me to touch the feet..
The palpatations become to great I retract, I retreat.
Oh shit now I am in trouble I didn't touch aunty's feet when I was clearly told to.
I know they are discussing my behaviour.. I know I am in trouble.
But its not easy.. its frightening and scary...
Want to make sure your kids do it right ? Teaching your kids to touch feet