Happy Diwali to everyone.. I would have posted it yesterday but we were run off our feet hosting a Diwali festival party.
I will post pics later, but I spent all day Saturday decorating the back of the house with draped saris cascading from the ceiling, silk cushions scattered around the deck and my doors adorned with traditional torans. The fence and front of the house were covered in handmade floral garlands and floral rangolis were laid out in the entrance. I even bought a new Ganesha statue for the occasion which looked lovely in the soft mood lighting that was created by the strands and strands of fairy lights that lit the garden and the 4 poster day bed which was layered with organza fabrics.
And then..... and then... it rained!!! Yes it rained and rained and rained....
the 40 guests were squashed into a covered area of no more than 12 square metres which also housed the food tables. Food tables that were meant to hold the tandoori chicken, stuffed parathas and kofta balls which were to be cooked on the outside BBQ along with the saffron chicken and lamb biryani. Instead the table was full of food that could be cooked on the stove top or the microwave. cooking for 40 guests last minute was near impossible so they missed out on a lot.
No one of course knew what food they missed out on and by the moans and groans of over eaten men I would assume they would not have had any room anyways.
Needless to say we will be eating saffron chicken and biryani for the next 6 weeks.
I wrapped 8 people in saris and even did a very brief demonstration of Indian dance to some drunken old people (my mother and her friend)
The night was a total wet crazy mess but everyone (apart from me and hubby) enjoyed themselves.
We have vowed never to do it again as its just too much work but we did actually say that last time too. I guess we have 12 mths to forget how traumatic it all was.
I must be becoming terribly superstitious as after everyone left (1am) I had a cry at how it was all a bad omen and nothing was going right in our lives.
To make it all worse we had a Transfer done yesterday (pregnancy topic) and I was meant to be taking it easy... I already feel guilty I have caused this not to work by running around like a blue ass fly all night.
Now I have a house that looks like a bomb has hit it and it will take me 12 mths to clean up the mess.
Next time .(see already saying next time) we will make sure we have staff to do all the work .. (haha who am I kidding, like we will ever have house staff)
its certainly a nice thought though....